ATPL on line – pass EASA exams fast & easily!
99 % of our students successfully pass the exams from the 1st time.
3 BIG advantages of ATPL theory courses for aircraft and helicopter pilots only in ATO AFA:
1. 10 000 carefully chosen EASA exam questions to train.
2. Variety of tests – be sure, when You are ready to pass the exams.
3. Special price – 2 800 EUR. Only this month.
The question bank was really big and well prepared, so I didn‘t have any problems passing the EASA theory exams – questions in exams were very similar like in the school’s tests. All EASA exams passed from the 1st time. It was convenient to learn at home and prepare for exams, using really convenient planned data base of ATO AFA .
Pilot Juan Perez, Spain
I appreciated the fact, that I’ve got a really good price for high European quality services of this Lithuanian pilot school, comparing with the fees of ATPL theory courses and exams in the other EU countries.
Pilot Piotr Avčiuk, Russia
AFA ATPL theory distance course –
pass EASA exams form the 1st time
Up to date 10 000 question bank – get the right information. The success of passing EASA exams easily and fast depends on how professional are prepared questions and tests. We strive to provide questions as close as possible to those you will find in an actual exam (not less than 70-80%). According to changes in EASA data base and our user's latest feedback we improve and update the total amount of questions all the time. Our ATPL theory course with 14 exam subjects are organized in easy to use way, various ways of learning are prepared in order to learn faster and easily.
Variety of testing modes – be sure, when You are ready. You have 4 attempts to pass exams for a subject, but it’s better to pas if from the 1st time. In our data base You’ll find about 400 questions for each exam topic and can learn using various types of testing: answering one by one or switching „exam mode“ for time. At the end of each session, you obtain a percentage score indicating your level of achievement. This allows you to quickly see your preparation level for the oncoming exams and exactly know, when You are really ready for final ATPL exams.
Flexible & innovative AFA training methods allow You to train convenient at home and save money for travel and accommodation. We offer innovative on line training solutions and even ,,Flying Ground School”– the opportunity to have theory classroom sessions at Your home city. No more waiting for traditional course start dates or travel to a ground course miles away from work or home. Study from anywhere in the world, where the internet connection is and just have Your PC, iPad or smart phone with You.
Special offers with a low cost guarantee

Enjoy pocket friendly Lithuanian costs. The price level in Lithuania is up 30 % lower than in West/North European countries. According to „Eurostat“ survey 2016, price of hamburger „Big Mac“ was 8 Eur in in Germany and 4,21 Eur in Lithuania; price of 1 l gasoline – 1,57 Eur in Norway and 1,02 Eur in Lithuania. Because of this unique position in a market, prices for AFA pilot training are lower too. We also don’t have any extra payments for brand or location, so You will not overpay for the same service choosing us.
Special price – 2 800 EUR. Only this month. Don’t start learning elsewhere, until didn’t get a low cost proposal from us. Why for You to overpay for the same course?
EASA ATPL theory on line
Valid Private Pilot’s or Commercial Pilot’s License.
Educational requirements: Secondary School or equivalent, or passing an entry exam at ATO.
Valid Class 1 Medical Certificate.
Course structure
Holders of
Air Law
50 h
40 h
20 h
Communication (VFR/IFR)
40 h
20 h
20 h
Operational Procedures
30 h
20 h
10 h
Mass and balance
20 h
20 h
10 h
40 h
30 h
20 h
80 h
60 h
20 h
Aircraft General Knowledge
70 h
50 h
30 h
Flight planning
40 h
20 h
20 h
30 h
20 h
20 h
General Navigation
80 h
50 h
40 h
Radio navigation
80 h
60 h
50 h
Human Performance and Limitations
50 h
30 h
20 h
Principles of Flight
40 h
30 h
20 h
650 hours
450 hours
300 hours
Ground school weeks (aprox.)