• SAAB 340 type rating course

    SAAB 340 Type Rating

    All including SAAB 340  Type Rating Training Course is conducted comprising theoretical training followed by practical training and consists of:

    * Ground school and Full Flight Simulator training

    * Base training & line training  

    * MCC (Multi Crew Cooperation) course.


    Learn at home & save: AFA ,,Flying Ground School” in your city & the other online and flexible training solutions.     

    I worked in Lithuanian Air Forces for 25 years, after retiring got job proposals only in such places as Afghanistan or Africa... Lucky, found AFA‘s advertisement to become a SAAB 340 pilot and work in Europe. In June 2016  finished SAAB 340 Type Rating course and ONLY after 1 month started to fly as a captain for air company in Latvia (with a good salary). Thanks ATO AFA for professional, low cost training & help to find a great job in civil aviation.

    Romas Azarevičius, SAAB 340 captain from Lithuania  


    Special offers with a low cost guarantee

    SAAB 340 Type Rating Course theory – learn at home & save. Theoretical training consists of CBT self-study lectures and several classroom sessions, which may be organized in your country (if the number of students is enough, AFA instructors with the equipment needed will arrive into Your city for classroom lectures). In Lithuania classroom sessions are organized in AFA Ground school at Vilnius.  

    Cost optimization for Full Flight Simulator training. Practical training during SAAB 340 Type Rating Course in AFA is performed on Full Flight Simulators (FFS) in Europe, Asia or USA. Each practical training session is preceded by a 90 min. briefing and followed by a detailed debriefing of the instructor. Thanks to our partners’ special discounts for AFA, we can offer You optimized costs for FFS training geographically close to You.

    SAAB 340 Type Rating Course

    Eentry requirements 

    70 hours as pilot-in-command of aircrafts;

    Valid ME, IR (multi-engine, instrument rating);

    Valid CPL (ATPL theory) or ATPL;

    Valid Class 1 Medical Certificate;

    MCC certificate of completion*

    English level 4 according to ICAO requirements.

    *Multi Crew Cooperation (MCC) course. If You still don’t have MCC certificate of completion, we can integrate this training into SAAB 340  Type Rating course in ATO ,,Aviacom Flight Academy"/AFA.  

    Course content

    The 1 phase - Ground training (80 hours):   

    Computer Based Training (CBT);

    A mock-up of the flight deck;

    Classroom instruction, practical training and examinations;

    Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) Performance;

    Mass & Balance Calculations;


    Cockpit Procedure Training – 16 h


    The 2 phase - Flight/Simulator training: (36 hours)

    Full Flight Simulator training

    8 Sessions of 4 hours of Full Flight Simulator with instructor.

    1 Session of 4 hours of Full Flight Simulator for skill test with examiner.

    The 3 phase – Base training (6 or 4 T/G)

    2 days of Procedures in MFTD / VPT + Instructor: 8 hours (2 sessions)

    Don‘t miss SAAB 340  Type Rating training with a 1000 EUR discount – bring a friend & get a 1000 Eur discount. Only this month. Don’t start learning elsewhere, until didn’t get a low cost proposal from us. There’s no reason for You to overpay for the same service, isn’t it?


    Why it's usefull to choose AFA?


    Pocket friendly Lithuanian costs. The price level in Lithuania is up 30 % lower than in West/North European countries. According to „Eurostat“ surrvey 2016, price of hamburger „Big Mac“ was 8 Eur in in Germany and 4,21 Eur in Lithuania; price of 1 l gasoline  – 1,57 Eur in Norway and 1,02 Eur in Lithuania. Because of this unique position in a market, prices for AFA pilot training are lower too. We also don’t have any extra payments for brand or location, so You will not overpay for the same service choosing us.

    100 % European quality. All training programs in ATO AFA are certified by EASA and meet full range all the requirements for the European standard pilot training. All AFA instructors have the EASA certificates needed, also long year international experience in aviation.   

    Flexible & innovative AFA training methods allow You to train convenient at home and save money for travel and accommodation. We offer innovative on line training solutions and even ,,Flying Ground School”- the opportunity to have theory classroom sessions at Your home city.   

    Register now!

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