• BOEING 737 Type Rating Course

    Boeing 737 (CL & NJ) Type Rating Course 

    Fast way to start flying with Boeing

    Searching for the best place in Europe to enter Boeing 737 Type Rating course or simulator lease? „Aviacom Flight Academy“ is EASA Approved Training Organization (ATO) which  provides you with:

    • Boeing 737 300-900 CL and NJ Type Rating Course and recurrent simulator training for airlines and private pilots with EASA and ICAO pilot licenses.
    • Boeing 737 300-900 difference course from CL to NJ and vice versa.
    • Wet & dry lease of B 737 CL Full Flight (D level) Simulator to renew, revalidate or maintain exiting B737 Type Rating (collect flying hours) and prepare for job assessment in airlines.
    • B 737 Instructor Courses – initial, renewal and revalidation of SFI/ TRI qualifications.
    • Multi Crew Cooperation (MCC) course – as a part of type rating program or separate. 


    100 % of our students successfully passed B737 Type Rating course and already fly with Boeing in European and Asian airlines. Now it’s your turn – we will help you to join the wealthy Boeing pilot family as soon as possible.

    5 best qualities of B737 Type Rating Course 

    There are many proposals of Boeing 737 courses in Europe, but our ATO gives you the best training value concerning with your time, your money and your professional education. ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ guarantees you:  

    • Flexible training agendas – get your B737 rating and start to fly as soon as possible.
    • Pocket friendly prices for simulator wet & dry lease as well as groups’ training.
    • European level training – EASA approved pilot training and EASA certificates.
    • Cozy student service – personal manager, transportation, free Wi-Fi, Visa support.
    • Accommodation and catering may be included (as an option) in a training package.  


    Everything in 1 place: our B737 CL 500 Full Flight Simulator for practical Boeing pilot training is located in our ATO's Flight Training Center's building together with classrooms and students' hotel in Paluknys near Vilnius. So we are ready to offer you conviniet and pocket friendly B737 qualification training. 

    “When decided to become a BOEING pilot, reviewed a lot of offers from various flight schools in Europe. I‘ve chosen ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ (AFA), because it has offered the best Boeing 737 Type Rating Training cost for a professional EASA standard training. I recommend pilot training center AFA for everybody, who decided to become a BOEING pilot“.  


    Paolo Brevi, pilot form Italy


    Boeing 737 pilot qualification & simulator training 

     * Type Rating programs. If you need to train flight crews for a new aircraft type, we offer you B 737 300-900 CL and NJ Type Rating, difference courses (from CL to NJ and vice versa) and recurrent training. Also our ATO provides the same pilot training programs for ATR 42/72 and SAAB 340 aircrafts.

     * Wet & dry B737 CL Full Flight Simulator (FFS) lease – both options are available upon a request. Training would be conducted in our Pilot Training Center in Paluknys near Vilnius. Our experienced instructors with a huge work experience are ready to help you. 

     * Crew recruitment. We also can provide you with qualified candidates – from career starters to experienced airline captains who will apply to work as your crew after completing their type rating training.  

     * Standard company operations. Our B 737 Full Flight Simulator reflects fleet‘s systems environments and cockpit layouts as well as your airline‘s procedures, so you can adjust training with your own line operations easily. Also it will shorten the standardization as well as familiarization phases.

     * BOEING 737 300-900 pilot training and MCC. We offer you not only Ground School and Full Flight Simulator training, but also Multi Crew Cooperation (MCC) course on a request.

    B 737 Type Rating cost – special offer for airlines

    ATO ,,Aviacom Flight Academy“  propagates transparent type rating and simulator training cost policy. It means that our students initially are informed about the full price of pilot training and „hidden“ extra payment do not appear later as sometimes happens in the other ATOs during the learning process.

    Discounts for groups. The bigger is the group – the lower simulator training cost can be offered for you. We will save your money because we operate in Lithuania – a quite new European Union country, where prices are 2-3 times lower than in Western Europe. We don’t have any extra payments for brand so you will not overpay for the same EASA quality services choosing ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ as your training partner.

    Special accommodation proposal. B737 type rating training (both theoretical and practical) is conducted in our Pilot Training Center in Paluknys near Vilnius. So you’ll get cost efficient pilot training in 1 place: class rooms, simulator base, accommodation in our hotel, catering services, rest rooms. Prices in our hotel are lower than in Vilnius City nearby, also you will save on transportation expenses living here.   

    Learn at home & save. BOENG 737 300-900 Type Rating theoretical training consists of CBT self-study lectures and several classroom sessions, which may be organized in your country (if the number of students is enough). In such case AFA instructors with their teaching equipment will arrive into your city for classroom lectures. In Lithuania classroom sessions are organized in AFA Ground School in our Pilot Training Center.



    B737 pilot qualification & simulator training 

    ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ offers wide range of training services for professional private pilots who need:

    • Add Boeing Type Rating to your license. Get B737 300-900 CL or NJ Type Rating and start to fly with Boeing as soon as possible.   
    • Quick job application training. Renew your skills and prepare for the assessment (screening) in airlines in our B737 simulator. 
    • Renew, revalidate or maintain exiting B737 Type Rating collecting flight hours in a Full Flight Simulator.
    • Difference courses of Boeing 737 300-900 from CL to NJ and vice versa.
    • MCC certificate. Multi Crew Cooperation (MCC) course includes theory and practical training (duration – 8 days). It can be conducted as a part of type qualification program or separately.
    • B 737 Instructor and Examiner Courses – initial, renewal and revalidation of SFI/ TRI qualifications.

    ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ is a reliable training partner for you, because 100 % of our self-sponsored trainee pilots successfully finished pilot training programs and already fly in airlines with Boeing 737. We will meet your individual pilot training needs and find the best way to prepare you for future job in a cockpit.

    B737 simulator training cost for private pilots 

    We will save your money because we operate in Lithuania – the European Union country, where costs are 2-3 times lower than in Austria or Malta. We don’t have any extra payments for brand so you will not overpay choosing ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ as your training partner.

    Wet & dry lease of Boeing 737 Full Flight Simulator – both options are available upon a request. Training would be conducted in our Pilot Training Center in Paluknys near Vilnius. Our experienced instructors with a huge work experience are ready to help you.

    Training partner. Practical training in a simulator’s cockpit together with the other pilot is the best way to get efficient training and cost. Depending on situation, we can offer you a training partner. Please contact us to know what situation is now.  

    Special proposal for accommodation. B737 Type Rating training (both theoretical and simulator training) is conducted in out Pilot Training Center in Paluknys near Vilnius. So you’ll get everything you need in 1 place: class rooms, simulator base, accommodation in our hotel, catering services and rest rooms. Prices in our hotel are lower than in Vilnius City nearby, also you will save on transportation expenses living here.

    Cozy student service:
    personal manager
    * transportation
    * free Wi-Fi
    * Visa support.

    Boeing 737 pilot qualification: licenses and certificates

    “Aviacom Flight Academy“ is EASA Approved Training Organization (ATO), so our B737 Type Rating program is fully complying with all the regulations and standards of EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency). We provide this course for the pilots with EASA and ICAO pilot licenses.

    After finishing B737 certificated training program in ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy” you will be ready to get a fully compliant European EASA license. The main steps to get it are:

    1. 1. Enter B 737 Type Rating Course.
    2. 2. Finish it and get a fully compliant European EASA certificate, issued by our ATO.
    3. 3. Bring the certificate to the Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA) of your country.
    4. 4. Get the record of B737 qualification in your license.
    5. 5. Start your dream job as a Boeing 737 pilot – plenty of job proposals are waiting for you in a market.

    BOEING 737 300-900 Type Rating Course: structure

    Entry requirements

    70 hours as pilot-in-command of aircrafts
    Valid ME, IR (multi-engine, instrument rating)
    Valid CPL (ATPL theory) or ATPL
    Valid Class 1 Medical Certificate
    MCC certificate of completion*
    English level 4 according to ICAO requirements.

    *Multi Crew Cooperation (MCC) course. If You still don’t have MCC certificate of completion, 

    we can integrate this training into BOEING 737 300-900 Type Rating course in ATO ,,Aviacom Flight Academy"/AFA.

    Course content     

    The 1 phase - Ground training (92 hours):
    Computer Based Training (CBT);
    A mock-up of the flight deck;
    Classroom instruction, practical training and examinations;
    Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) Performance;
    Mass & Balance Calculations;

    The 2 phase - Flight/Simulator training(36 hours):
    Full Flight Simulator training
    8 Sessions of 4 hours of Full Flight Simulator with instructor.
    1 Session of 4 hours of Full Flight Simulator for skill test with examiner.

    The 3 phase – Base training (6 or 4 T/G)
    2 days of Procedures in MFTD / VPT + Instructor: 8 hours (2 sessions)


    B737 Flight Simulator lease 

    You can hire B 737 CL 500  Full Flight (D/G level) Simulator hours on a flexible basis in our ATO’s Pilot Training center in Paluknys near Vilnius to:

    • Renew, revalidate or maintain your exiting B737 Type Rating by collecting flying hours.
    • Prepare quickly for pilot recruitment assessment (screening) in airlines.
    • Get Boeing 737 300-900 CL and NJ Type Rating training.
    • Finish B737 300-900 difference course (from CL to NJ and vice versa) and Multi-Crew-Cooperation (MCC) courses.
    • Get B737 flight simulator experience in entertaining flight as a pilot.

    Training with us you can make your standard company operations, because fleet‘s systems environments and cockpit layouts are reflected in simulator in order to conduct your own line operations.


    Our Boeing 737 Full Flight Simulator is a Level D/G device in compliance with requirements of EASA and ICAO. A Level D simulator can simulate all aircraft systems that are accessible from the flight deck and are critical to pilot training. It is operated 20 hours a day, about 30% of slots are booked so we are flexible to meet your individual needs and schedule of your training.

    Wet & dry lease of Boeing 737 Full Flight Simulator 

    ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ offers both options to hire B737 simulator for airlines and private pilots.  

    • “Dry leasing“ solutions allow you to train or check your crew members using your own flight instructors of flight examiners in compliance with your supervisory authority.
    • For “wet leasing“ solutions we offer to make your pilot training flights in a simulator with our ATO’s flight instructors and flight examiners, having huge pilot experience and high level training qualification.

    Practical training in a simulator’s cockpit together with the other pilot is the best way to get efficient training and pocket friendly cost. Depending on situation, we can offer you a training partner. Please contact us to know what situation is now.  

    Boeing737 Full Flight Simulator technical characteristics: 

    it’s a real flying experience! 

    Variety of flight simulators exist in the market: some of them are nothing more than just a video game created to give you an impression of flight, the others may have even realistic cockpits and video displays, but don’t offer any motion but if we talk about the professional training in ATO, here a professional-grade flight simulators are used. They usually offer a full-motion platform that feels very close to actually being in the air.


    „Sometimes it is better to train in a Boeing 737 simulator than in a real aircraft, because only in a simulator you can learn how to act in such dangerous situations as fire or breakdown of engines,“  says Boeing 737 pilot, instructor and CEO of ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ Remigijus Balčiūnas.

    ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ offers B737 CL Full Flight Simulator (D/G level) training. The simulator is manufactured by „Redifusion“ and was acquired in 2006. Level D is the highest standard of full flight simulator and is eligible for zero flight time (ZFT) training of civil pilots when converting from one airliner type to another.  Level D/Type simulator simulates all aircraft systems that are accessible from the flight deck and are critical to training. For instance, accurate force feedback for the pilot's flight controls is provided through a simulator system called "control loading", and other systems such as avionics, communications and "glass cockpit" displays are also simulated. This standard of simulator is used both for initial and recurrent training for commercial air transport (CAT) aircraft.

    B737 Simulator training demands are growing in the world. According to Boeing forecast, some 517,000 new pilots will need to be trained globally in the next 20 years’ time.

    B737 Type Rating instructors


    All instructors and staff members of ATO ,,Aviacom Flight Academy" (AFA) are professional pilots with 10-20 years of experience in aviation. Our training process is based not only on theory but on the best flying and teaching experiences as well.

    100 % of our ATO’s students successfully passed all the courses, including B737 Type Rating course, got EASA certificates and already fly with Boeing in European and Asian airlines. Our experienced and skilled instructors are ready to help you pass the exams successfully, improve your qualification and start your career in the wealthy Boeing pilot family.

    English is the main language of civil aviation nowadays, but all our instructors speak Russian and Lithuanian fluently as well. It is very useful and easier to communicate in the same language, because it allows feel more comfortable to discuss all the questions and avoid any misunderstandings.

    B737 Full Flight Simulator  experience: Flight Training Center 


    Our ATO's B737 CL 500 Full Flight Simulator is located in the same building of Pilot Training center, near the classrooms.  

    The less KM You travel from home - the more money and time You save. Boeing 737 CL Type Rating course is conducted in ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ Pilot Training Center, based in Paluknys aerodrome, near Lithuanian capital city Vilnius. It’s more convenient and cost efficient to travel here than to West European countries, which are more far away.

    Expenses for accommodation and transportation during training process make a quite big part of qualification courses budget. You can reduce it by learning in our Pilot Training Center, where you’ll find in a 1 place everything you need for training and living. 

    Classrooms are provided with modern multimedia equipment, Computer-Based Training (CBT) programs and aircraft cockpit models, created for training with B737-300/900. Also big and regular updated training data bases and exams questions banks are prepared for you in order to get the latest information and successfully prepare for the exams.

    Accommodation.  In our Pilot Training Center complex at Paluknys You’ll find convenient and pocket friendly accommodation. Living here you won’t have to drive for learning purposes – everything You’ll find in one building. Also it allows you to save transportation expenses, furthermore – prices in our hotel are lower than in Vilnius City nearby.

    Hotel, which is located near the evergreen pines and local aerodrome, offers you: 

     * Stylish and comfortable 10 double rooms with bathroom, freezer and TV.

     * Tea/coffee making facilities

     * Spacious quiet Barbecue house and grill available

     * Private Car parking

     * Most beautiful view through the rest room


    Catering – there are 2 options. Modern equipped kitchen with a big dining room is prepared for your needs in the main building of Pilot Training Center. Also you can order meals or eat in a café „Biplan“ in the next building to. Also

    Cafe-Bar “Biplan” will make You feel like being on an real aircraft and enjoy the great atmosphere during Lunch or Dinner. It’s a cozy building of unique architecture with warm and refined atmosphere of a private home and most beautiful view into a local aerodrome through the windows.

    The staff is helpful and pleasant, ready to assist guests and give all the necessary information. Cuisine of the restaurant is dominated with dishes of the European kitchen, so everyone will be able to find him appealing dishes with attractive prices.

    Free Wi-Fi internet is available.

    Cozy student service – personal manager, transportation, free Wi-Fi, Visa support.

    B737 courses: the other important student services 

    ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ is ready to assist for you solving all the questions, related with training process and accommodation before and during the learning process. It’s important for us that you could get not only European quality training but also the other necessary conveniences such us:

    Visas. Lithuania is a member of the European Union, so the citizens of the EU visas do not need. Students, coming from the non EU countries, will get our assistance during in getting learning visas. 
    Transportation. We will arrange a pick up from Vilnius international airport or rent a car for you.
    Personal manager will help you dealing with all the questions about the training process and accommodation.
    Free Wi-Fi is available the Pilot Training Center in Paluknys.
    Accommodation with breakfast can be included in your training package as an option.



    Boeing 737 Difference Course

    ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ provides:

    • Difference Course from B737 Classic to B737 NJ
    • Difference course from  B737 NJ to B737 Classic


    1 day theoretical training

    2 hours FFS Session (Full Flight Simulator)

    Location: Pilot Training Center in Paluknys near Vilnius

    The main differences between B737 CL and B737 NG


    B737 CL. The Boeing 737 Classic is a second generation of the Boeing 737 jetliner. This generation follows the original -100/-200 models that began production in 1966. The first model of the Classic series – B737-300 – entered service in 1984. Model B737-400 started to fly in 1988 and was followed by the shortened B 737-500 (the smallest variant in this generation) in 1990. The main characteristics of all Classic Boeing 737 generation are short- to medium-range, narrow-body jet with seats between 145 and 180 passengers. These series were produced by „Boeing Commercial Airplanes“ from 1984 to 2000. In total 1,988 aircraft were delivered (Shaw, 1999). Even though the numbers of earlier models are gradually decreasing, B737 CL aircrafts still are being widely operated by airlines in the world.  


    B737NJ. The Next Generation Boeing, better known as “NG”, started service in 1993. Since that time Boeing 737 models 600/-700/-800/-900 were produced as an upgrade of the 737 Classic series. They were redesigned to be able to compete with a new rising star in transport aviation – Airbus A320 family. So NGs, comparing with Classics, have wider wingspans, a greater fuel capacity, higher MTOWs, longer range and are larger (passengers’ seats are between 108 to 215). According to "737 Model Orders and Deliveries data 2019", a total of 7,097 737NG aircraft have been ordered, of which 7,031 have been delivered, the remaining orders are in the -700 BBJ, -800, -800 BBJ and -900ER variants. The upgraded and re-engined 737 MAX series is to supplant the 737NG, with the first 737 MAX delivered in 2017.


    B 737 Type Rating Instructor Course TRI (A)


    In this context Type Rating Instructor qualification is also very marketable. If you want to „employ“ your piloting experience and get B737 Type Rating  Instructor qualification, you are in the right place.

    ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ offers Type Rating Instructor (SFI/TRI) Course – initial, renewal and revalidation.

    Type Rating Instructor Course TRI (A) structure

    The course consists of theory lectures and type-specific training in a B 737 Full Flight Simulator. During the course you will do essential practical exercises of instruction required to qualify for type rating training privileges. The last session of FFS training includes the instructor’s proficiency test in accordance with EASA or ICAO requirements. It‘s a demanding and testing exposure for the future TRI/SFI. Also during the course you will get familiar with the basics of professional instructing and the background to learning behavior with regard to your future duties as a TRI.

    Theory subjects (25 hours)
    Learning process
    Teaching process
    Training philosophies
    Techniques of applied instruction
    Student evaluation and testing
    Training program development
    Human performance and limitations relevant to flight instruction
    Specific hazards involved in simulating systems failures and malfunctions in the aircraft during a fligh;
    Training administration.
    Practice (29 hours)
    Simulator familiarization
    Simulator training for SFI
    Right-hand seat qualification for TRI

    Location: Pilot Training Center in Paluknys near Vilnius
    Duration: Approximately 14 days.
    MCC Course price: contact us to know. 

    Who can apply for TRI (A) qualification?

    The candidates who want to enter the prestigious club of Boeing 737 type rating instructors (TRI) shall have:Valid ATPL(A);
    Valid B737 Type Rating and IR on the corresponding aircraft type;
    Have completed 1,500 hours flight time as a pilot
    on multi-pilot airplanes.
    Have completed within the 12 months preceding
    the date of application, 30 route sectors including
    take offs and landings as PIC or Co-Pilot on the
    applicable airplane type, of which 15 sectors may
    be completed in an FFS representing that type.

    Revalidation and renewal of TRI (A) qualification  

    Revalidation. For revalidation of a TRI(A) certificate, the applicant shall within the last 12 months preceding the expiry date of the certificate fulfill one of the following 3 requirements:

    • Conduct one of the following parts of a complete type rating training course: simulator session of at least 3 hours or one air exercise of at least 1 hour comprising a minimum of 2 take-offs and landings.
    •  Receive instructor refresher training as a TRI in ATO.
    • Pass the assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935

    Renewal. If the TRI (A) certificate has lapsed the applicant shall have:

    • Completed within the last 12 months preceding the application at least 30 route sectors, to include take-offs and landings on the applicable aircraft type, of which not more than 15 sectors may be completed in a flight Simulator.
    • Completed the relevant parts of a TRI course at an approved ATO.
    • Conducted on a complete type rating course at least 3 hours of flight instruction on the applicable type of aircraft under the supervision of a TRI(A).

    B737 Synthetic Flight Instructor (SFI) course


    The privileges of the holder of a synthetic flight instructor (SFI) certificate are to carry out synthetic flight instruction in type rating courses, including multi crew cooperation.

    If you are ready to become a SFI instructor and „employ“ your experience,  ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“ is ready to provide you with Synthetic Flight Instructor (SFI) training. The course is carried out approximately within 14 days. During the SFI course you will get knowledge how to use your experience working with the students in the most efficient ways.

    Who can apply for SFI (A) qualification?

    The pilots who want to enter the prestigious club of Boeing 737 Synthetic Flight Instructor (SFI) shall have:

    • Valid or already expired CPL(A) or ATPL(A) licenses.
    • Proficiency check for the issue of the specific aircraft Type Rating in the FFS representing the applicable type completed within 12 months before the application for the SFI course.
    • At least 1,500 flight hours accumulated as a pilot on multi-pilot aircrafts.
    • Completed within 12 months preceding the application for the SFI course, as a pilot or as an observer.
    • Route sectors on the flight deck of the applicable aircraft type.
    • Line-oriented flight training-based simulator sessions conducted by qualified flight crew on the flight deck of the applicable type. These simulator sessions have to include 2 flights of at least 2 hours each between 2 different aerodromes, and the associated pre-flight planning as well as de-briefing.

    Synthetic Flight Instructor (SFI) training structure

    Theoretical Training subjects (25 hours):
    • The learning process;
    • The teaching process;
    • Training philosophies;
    • Techniques of applied instruction;
    • Student evaluation and testing;
    • Training program development;
    • Human performance and limitations relevant to flight instruction;
    • Specific hazards involved in simulating systems failures and malfunctions in the aircraft during flight;
    • Training administration.
    Simulator Training per trainee
    • FFS use – familiarization with FFS (3 hours).
    • FFS SFI –3 training hours.
    • FFS Supervised Training – 4 training hours.
    • SFI Assessment of competence.
    Location: Pilot Training Center in Paluknys near Vilnius
    Duration: Approximately 14 days.
    MCC Course price: contact us to know. 

    You may do your revalidation and renewal of SFI qualification at ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“.

    Multi Crew Cooperation (MCC) course 

    If You don’t have MCC certificate of completion, we can integrate this training into Boeing 737 300-900 Type Rating course of offer it separately in ATO ,,Aviacom Flight Academy" (AFA).

    The main goal of MCC course is to provide you with practical knowledge how to work in multi-crew staff with other pilots. When flying, sometimes situations occur where decisions must be taken in a second – both the captain and the second pilot have to understand each other from a half of a word in order to cooperate successfully.

    During Multi Crew Cooperation Course in our ATO you will learn how to make optimal decisions and to cooperate with a colleague under normal and extreme flying conditions, get necessary communication and teamwork skills how to distribute tasks and monitor each others’ actions in a correct way.

    MCC training is a way to a higher level of professionalism of piloting the aircraft and becoming a good plane captain or co-pilot.

    MCC course Entry requirements

    • 100 hours as pilot-in-command of aircrafts;
    • Valid ME, IR (multi-engine, instrument rating)
    • Valid CPL (ATPL theory) or ATPL


    MCC Course structure


    Theory subjects
    Leadership and Authority; Personality, Attitude and Motivation;
    Effective and Expressive Communication During Flight;
    Crew Coordination Procedures; The Usage of Checklists;
    Mutual Supervision, Information and Support; Shortcuts Procedures;
    Functioning of Aircraft Systems; The Roles of a Crew Member and Responsibility in Extraordinary Situations.
    The Existing Qualification for Flights in Multi Airplanes Using Devices.

    Practical training 
    Facility Used
    Working days
    Theoretical Knowledge
    Classroom Briefing
    25 h
    Practical Training
    B737 FFS D level
    16 h
    Evaluation Session
    B737 FFS D level
    4 h


    Total duration – 9 days

    Location: Pilot Training Center in Paluknys near Vilnius of ATO „Aviacom Flight Academy“

    MCC Course price: contact us to know. 

    Practical training in a simulator – with video camera

    We provide students with 25 hours of theoretical knowledge training (min. JAR: 25 hours) and perform the practical training on a B737 FFS D level. Our simulator is equipped with a CRM debriefing camera to analyze and debrief your performance in a multi-crew environment. The use of such a device is strongly recommended for this type of training, because it allows you to see your communication, performance, making decisions etc.

    B 737 pilot qualification: job proposals and salaries


    With more than 16,000 airplanes delivered, Boeing remains the largest aircraft manufacturer in the world. With its fleet rejuvenation plan, it will offer pilots and airlines aircraft types featuring between 100 and 500 seats in future too.

    Boeing 737 is a very marketable type rating, because B737 is the most popular airliner ever conceived. It’s counted that Boeing B737 takes off or lands about every 5 seconds all around the world. According to Boeing enterprise, more than 342 airlines in 111 countries fly B737 and this number is growing. Considering that a single type rating is valid across all series, the B737 Type Rating is one of the most flexible ratings a pilot can hold.

    It seems that demand for new pilots is expected to rise dramatically over the next two decades as a result of new aircraft entering the global fleet. Boeing has projected that aviation will need 790,000 new pilots by 2037 to meet growing demand, with 96,000 pilots needed to support the business aviation sector.

    Airline pilot salaries of First Officers in Europe lie between €1800 and €6000 per month. For captains this lies between €6000 and €12000 net (and up). It is possible to earn average salaries of $10K net a month as a First Officer or $20K net a month as a commuting Captain in airlines of China and the Middle East. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the USA, the median annual wage for airline pilots and copilots is $117,290. The bottom 10 percent earned under $60,770, while the top 10 percent earned more than $187,200.

    At the moment https://www.allflyingjobs.com offers more than 100 job proposals for B737 pilots, if you check all the results of job proposal search, you are probably to find much more.

    Why it's useful for You to choose AFA? 

    Pocket friendly Lithuanian costs. The price level in Lithuania is up 30 % lower than in West/North European countries. According to „Eurostat“ survey 2016, price of hamburger „Big Mac“ was 8 Eur in in Germany and 4,21 Eur in Lithuania; price of 1 l gasoline  – 1,57 Eur in Norway and 1,02 Eur in Lithuania. Because of this unique position in a market, prices for AFA pilot training are lower too. We also don’t have any extra payments for brand or location, so You will not overpay for the same service choosing us.

    100 % European quality. All training programs in ATO AFA are certified by EASA and meet full range all the requirements for the European standard pilot training. All AFA instructors have the EASA certificates needed, also long year international experience in aviation.   

    Flexible & innovative AFA training methods allow You to train convenient at home and save money for travel and accommodation. We offer innovative on line training solutions and even ,,Flying Ground School”– the opportunity to have theory classroom sessions at Your home city.   

    Register now!

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