EASA standard Pilot Training Center (ATO)
The low cost guarantee
Get Your EASA license, become the professional pilot and don’t go bankrupt. Certificated ATO ,,Aviacom Flight Acdemy“ (AFA) gives the low cost guarantee. Do not start learning elsewhere, till won’t get the offer from us. There’s no worth for You to overpay for the same service, isn’t it?
98 % of our students pass the exam from the 1st time
Air Transport Pilot License (ATPL) gives You the right to work as a captain or co-pilot in air carriers’ aircrafts. ATPL theory course is the 1st step to prepare for EASA exams. AFA will help You to successfully prepare for exams and not overpay for services. Do not start learning elsewhere, till won’t get the offer from us. There’s no worth for You to overpay for the same service, isn’t it?
Rise higher!
Rule in the commercial aviation world is simple: the higher Your qualification – the faster is Your carrier and growth of incomes. ,,Aviacom Flight Academy“ (AFA) team is ready to organize these important pilot qualification courses for pocket friendly cost. Do not start learning elsewhere till won’t get the offer from us.
6 reasons why, to choose us
,,Aviacom Flight Academy" (AFA) is the EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) approved training organization (ATO) in Lithuania. We, together with our partners in the region, offer a wide range of high quality, low price courses meeting the highest standards and complying with all the EASA regulations. After finishing certificated programs in AFA You will be ready to get fully compliant European EASA licenses.